University of Wisconsin–Madison

Dr. Michael Collins

Michael T. Collins, DVM, PhD, DACVM


  • University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN B.S. 1970 Biological Sciences
  • University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN D.V.M. 1972 Veterinary Medicine
  • University of Georgia, Athens, GA Ph.D. 1976 Microbiology


  • Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO
    • 1976-1981 Assistant Professor
    • 1981-1983 Associate Professor
  • State Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark 1981-1982 Research Sabbatical
  • University of Wisconsin, Madison 1983-1988 Associate Professor
  • National Veterinary Laboratory, Copenhagen, DK 8/89 – 10/89 Research Sabbatical
  • Veterinary Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia 10/89-7/90 Research Sabbatical
  • Gezondheidsdienst voor Dieren, Drachten, Netherlands 1996-1997 Research Sabbatical
  • Universidad Austral de Chile 2004-2005 Teaching Sabbatical
  • University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 1988-present Professor
  • University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 2020-present Professor Emeritus


  • American Veterinary Medical Association; member, 1972-present.
  • American Society for Microbiology; member, 1976-present.
  • American College of Veterinary Microbiologists; Diplomate, 1977-present.
  • Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease; member, 1977-2010.
  • American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians; member, 1990-2017
  • U.S. Animal Health Association; member 1989-present.
    • Johne’s Disease Committee; member, 1990-present; Vice-Chair, 1994-1996.
    • National Johne’s Working Group; 1995-present.
  • APMIS International Board of Co-editors; 1988-2004.
  • Applied and Environmental Microbiology Board of Editors, 2002-2013.
  • International Association for Paratuberculosis; member 1990-present.
    • Board of Directors, 1992-present; Vice-President, 1994-1996; President, 1996-2007.
    • Scientific Program Chair, 4th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, July 1994.
    • Organizing Committee Chair, 5th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, Oct., 1996.
    • Co-editor, Proc. 4th, 5th, & 6th International Colloquia on Paratuberculosis, 1994, 1996, 1999.
    • International Dairy Federation, Task Force on M. paratuberculosis; Chair 1999-2001.


  • National Institutes of Health Fellowship, 1974
  • George C. Marshall Memorial Foundation Fellowship, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1981
  • Fulbright Scholars Program Award: support for sabbatical in Chile 2004-2005.
  • Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Van Hise Distinguished Teaching & Outreach Award, May 2004.
  • Univ. of Wisconsin, School of Veterinary Medicine, Norden-Pfizer Teaching Award, May 2004.
  • Univ. Minnesota, College Vet. Med., Distinguished Research Alumnus Award, September, 2010.


  1. Collins, M.T. Guest Editor. R.A. Smith, Consulting Editor. Veterinary Clinics of North America – Food Animal Practice – Johne’s Disease. Volume 27, number 3, November 2011. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 13 chapters, 14 authors, 143 pages.
  2. Collins. M.T. and E.J.B. Manning. 2009. Chapter 1.3. Epidemiology of paratuberculosis In Paratuberculosis: Organism, Disease, Control, M. Behr & D. Collins, editors. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK.
  3. Collins. M.T. 2009. Chapter 2.7. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and antimicrobial agents. In Paratuberculosis: Organism, Disease, Control, M. Behr and D. Collins, editors. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK.
  4. E.J.B. Manning and M.T. Collins. 2009. Chapter 1.1. History of paratuberculosis. In Paratuberculosis: Organism, Disease, Control, M. Behr and D. Collins, editors. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK.
  5. Collins, M.T. 2003. Summation. pp 531 535, In Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. Bilbao, Spain June 12 14, 2002. R.A. Juste, M.V. Geijo, and J.M. Garrido, editors. International Association for Paratuberculosis, Madison, WI USA.
  6. Collins, M.T. Johne’s disease. pp 786-792, In H. Roginski, J.W. Fuquay, and P.F. Fox, editors. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. Academic Press. 2003.
  7. Collins, M.T. Tuberculosis. pp 783-786, In H. Roginski, J.W. Fuquay, and P.F. Fox, editors. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. Academic Press. 2003.
  8. Manning, E.J.B. and M.T. Collins. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis: pathogen, pathogenesis and diagnosis. pp 143-142, In E.J.B. Manning and M.T. Collins, editors. OIE Scientific and Technical Review: Mycobacterial infections in domestic and wild animals. Volume 20 (1) April 2001 (351 pages).
  9. Stabel, J., L. Pearce, R. Chandler, P. Hammer, N. Klijn, O. Cerf, M.T. Collins, C. Heggum, and P.M. Murphy. Destruction by heat of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in milk and milk products. Chapter 5 In Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation no. 362/2001. IDF, Brussels ISSN 0250-5118.
  10. Collins, M.T., U. Spahr, and P.M. Murphy. Ecological characteristics of M. paratuberculosis. Chapter 3 In Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation no. 362/2001. IDF, Brussels ISSN 0250-5118.
  11. Nielsen, S.S., K.K. Nielsen, A. Huda, R. Condron, and M.T. Collins. Diagnostic techniques for paratuberculosis. Chapter 1 In Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation no. 362/2001. IDF, Brussels ISSN 0250-5118.
  12. Manning, E.J.B. and M.T. Collins, editors. Proceedings 6th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. Feb. 14-18, Melbourne, Australia. International Assoc. for Paratuberculosis, Inc. Madison, WI, 1999 (720 pages).
  13. Manning, E.J.B. and M.T. Collins. Paratuberculosis in zoo animals. Chapter 90. pp 612-616 In Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine – Current Therapy, 4th edition. M. Fowler and E Miller (eds.), W.B. Saunders Company. 1999.
  14. Collins, M.T. Paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease). In Current Veterinary Therapy 4: Food Animal Practice, 4th edition. J.L Howard and R. Smith, editors, W.B. Saunders Company. 1999, pages 344-346.
  15. Collins, M.T. Diagnosis of paratuberculosis. In Paratuberculosis. R.W. Sweeney (ed.) Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. 12:357-37. 1996.
  16. Chiodini, R.J., M.T. Collins, and E.O.E. Bassey, editors, Proceedings 4th International Colloquium on  Paratuberculosis. International Assoc. for Paratuberculosis, Inc. Rehoboth, MA. 1995.
  17. Collins, M.T., and G.J. Eamons. The Control of Johne’s Disease in Dairy Herds, Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute, Cambden, New South Wales, Australia. 1990 (24 pages).
  18. McDonald, J., M.T. Collins, and R.S. Lambrecht. Radiometric detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis from clinical specimens, p.146 152. In Johne’s Disease. Current Trends in Research Diagnosis and Management. A.R. Milner, and P.R. Wood, editors, CSIRO Publications, Melbourne. 1989.
  19. Collins, M.T., and A.R. McLaughlin. Experience in Wisconsin in control and accreditation of Johne’s disease infected herds, p.67 73. In Johne’s Disease. Current Trends in Research, Diagnosis and Management. A.R. Milner and P.R. Wood, editors, CSIRO Publications, Melbourne. 1989.

JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS CONCERNING MYCOBACTERIA: (reverse chronological order; *graduate students and postdocs under my direction)

  1. Agrawal, G., J. Aitken, H. Hamblin, M.T. Collins, T.J. Borody. 2020. Putting Crohn’s on the MAP: Five common questions on the contribution of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis to the pathophysiology of Crohn’s Disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences
  2. Avilez, C., M.A. Alfaro, F. Salazar F, C. Encina, C. Verdugo, O. Martinez, M.T. Collins, M. Salgado. 2019. Fate of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and changes in bacterial diversity populations in dairy slurry after chemical treatments. Journal Applied Microbiology, 127(2):370-378.
  3. Sallam, A.M., Y. Zare, G. Shook, M.T. Collins, and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2018. A positional candidate gene association analysis of susceptibility to paratuberculosis on bovine chromosome 7. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 65:163-169.
  4. Steur, P., C. Avilez, C. Tejeda, N. Gonzalez, A. Ramirez-Reveco, F. Uiloa, A. Mella, I.R. Grant, M.T. Collins, and M. Salgado. 2018. In vitro inactivation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) by use of copper ions. BMC Microbiology 18:172.
  5. Grant, I.R., A.C.G. Foddai, J.C. Tarrant, B. Kunkel, F.A. Hartmann, S. McGuirk, C. Hansen, A.M. Talaat, and M.T. Collins. 2017. Viable Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolated from calf milk replacer. J. Dairy Sci. 100:1-13.
  6. Rathnaiah, G., D.K. Zinniel, J.P. Bannantine, J.R. Stabel, Y.T. Grohn, M.T. Collins, and R.G. Barletta. 2017. Pathogenesis, molecular genetics, and genomics of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, the etiologic agent of Johne’s disease. Front. Vet. Sci. 4:187 doi:3389/fvets.2017.00187.
  7. Kuenstner, J.T., S. Naser, W. Chamberlin, T. Borody, D.Y. Graham, A. McNees, J. Hermon-Taylor, A. Hermon-Taylor, C.T. Dow, W. Thayer, J. Biesecker, M.T. Collins, L.A. Sechi, S. Vir Singh, P. Zhang, I. Safran, S. Weg, G. Telega, R. Rothstein, H. Oken, S. Schimpff, H. Bach, T. Bull, I. Grant, J. Ellingson, H. Dahmen, J. Lipton, S. Gupta, K. Chaubey, M. Singh, P. Agarwal, A. Kumar, J. Misri, J. Sohal, K. Dhama, Z. Hemati, W. Davis, M. Hier, J. Aitken, E. Pierce, N. Parrish, .N. Goldberg, M. Kali, S. Bendre, G. Agrawal, R. Baldassano, P. Linn, R.W. Sweeney, M. Fecteau, C. Hofstaedter, R. Potula, O. Timofeeva, S. Geier, K. John, N. Zayanni, H.M. Malaty, C. Kahlenborn, A. Kravitz, A. Bulfon, G. Daskalopoulos, H. Mitchell, B. Neilan, V. Timms, D. Cossu, G. Mameli, P. Angermeier, T. Jelic, R. Goethe, R.A. Juste, and L. Kuenstner. The Consensus from the Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) Conference 2017. Front. Public Health, 27 September 2017
  8. Sallam, A.M., F. Alpay, Y. Zare, X. Shi, G.E. Shook, M.T. Collins, S.M. Alsheikh, M.A. Sharaby, and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2017. An across-breed genome wide association analysis of susceptibility to paratuberculosis. J. Dairy Res. 84:61-67.
  9. Qvist, T., T. Pressler, T.L. Katzenstein, N. Høiby, and M.T. Collins. 2017. Evaluation of a bovine antibody test for diagnosing Mycobacterium avium complex in patients with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 52(1):34-40.
  10. Collins, M.T. 2015. Comparison of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits for diagnosis of dairy cattle shedding Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in feces. SOJ Vet. Sci. 1(2): 1-5.
  11. Salgado, M., M. Alfaro, F. Salazar, X. Badilla, E. Troncoso, A. Zambrano, M. Gonzalez, R. Mitchell, and M.T. Collins. 2015. Application of cattle slurry containing Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) to grassland soil and its effect on the relationship between MAP and free-living amoebae. Vet. Microbiol. 175:26-34.
  12. Steuer, P., E. Troncoso, J. de Waard, M.T. Collins, O. Martínez, C. Tejeda, M. Salgado. 2015. Identification of contaminating bacteria when attempting to isolate Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) from bovine fecal and tissue samples using the BACTEC MGIT 960 system. Arch Med Vet 47(1):97-100.
  13. Kuenstner, J.T., W. Chamberlin, S.A. Naser, M.T. Collins, T.C. Dow, J.M. Aitken, S. Weg, G. Telega, K. John, D. Haas, T.M. Eckstein, M. Kali, C. Welch, and T. Petrie. 2015. Resolution of Crohn’s disease and complex regional pain syndrome following treatment of paratuberculosis. World J. Gastroenterol. 21(3):4048-4062.
  14. Zare,Y., G.E. Shook, M.T. Collins, and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2014. Genome-wide association analysis and genomic prediction of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in US Jersey cattle. PLoS One. 9(2):e88380. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088380.
  15. Zare,Y., G.E. Shook, M.T. Collins, and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2014. Short Communication: Heritability estimates for susceptibility to Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection defined by ELISA and fecal culture results in Jersey cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 97:4562-4567.
  16. Salgado, M., P.N. Steuer, E.P. Troncoso, M.T. Collins. 2013. Evaluation of PMS-PCR technology for detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis directly from bovine fecal specimens. Vet. Microbiol. 167:725-728.
  17. Naser, S.A., S. Thanigachalam, C.T. Dow, M.T. Collins. 2013. Exploring the role of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in the pathogenesis of type I diabetes mellitus: A pilot study. Gut Pathogens 5:14.
  18. Salgado, M., M. Alfaro, F. Salazar, E. Troncoso, R.M. Mitchell, L. Ramirez, A. Niguil, P. Zamorano, and M. T. Collins. 2013. Effect of soil slope on appearance of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in water running off grassland soil after contaminated slurry application. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 79:3544-3552.
  19. Mitchell, R.M., G.F. Medley, M.T. Collins, and Y.H. Schukken. 2012. A meta-analysis of the effect of dose and age at exposure on shedding of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in experimentally infected calves and cows. Epidemiology and Infection, 140: 231-246.
  20. Collins, M.T. 2011. Diagnosis of paratuberculosis. Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim. Pract. 27(3):593-598.
    18. Collins, M.T. 2011. Food safety concerns regarding paratuberculosis. Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim. Pract. 27(3):631-636.
  21. Whang, J., B.S. Lee, G.E. Choi, S.N. Cho, P. Y. Kil, M.T. Collins, and S.J. Shin. 2011. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism of the rpoB gene for identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and differentiation of Mycobacterium avium subspecies. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 70:65-71.
  22. Salgado, M., M.T. Collins, F. Salazar, J. Kruze, G. Bölske, R. Söderlund, R. Juste, I.A. Sevilla, F. Biet, F. Troncoso, M. Alfaro. 2011. Fate of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis after application of contaminated dairy cattle manure to agricultural soils. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 77(6):2122-2129.
  23. Kirkpatrick, B.W., X. Shi, G.E. Shook, M.T. Collins. 2011. Genetic markers associated with susceptibility to paratuberculosis in Holsteins. Animal Genetics 42:149-160.
  24. Shin, S.J.*, B.S. Lee, W.J. Koh, E.J.B. Manning, K. Anklam, S. Sreevatsan, R.S. Lambrecht, and M.T. Collins. 2010. Efficient differentiation of Mycobacterium avium Complex species and subspecies by use of five-target multiplex PCR. J. Clin. Microbiol. 48:4057-4062.
  25. Poulsen, K.P., A.L. Foley, M. T. Collins, and S.M. McGuirk. 2010. Adequate passive transfer in calves fed a colostrum replacement and supplement product. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 237:949-954.
  26. Cho, D.*, S.J. Shin, and M.T. Collins. 2010. B cell epitope specificity of carboxy terminus of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis ModD. J. Immunoassay & Immunochem. 31:181-192.
  27. Collins, M.T., V. Eggleston, and E.J.B. Manning. 2010. Successful control of Johne’s disease in nine dairy herds: Results of a six-year field trial. J. Dairy Sci. 93:1638-1643.
  28. Shin, A.R., H.J. Kim, S.N. Cho, M.T. Collins, E.J. Manning, S.A. Naser, and S.J. Shin. 2010. Identification of seroreactive proteins in the culture filtrate antigen of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis human isolates to sera from Crohn’s disease patients. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 58:128-137.
  29. Shin, S.J.*, S.S. Lee, E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2009. Production of and applications for a polyclonal IgY diagnostic reagent specific for Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis. J. Microbiol. 47:600-609.
  30. Krishnan, M.Y.*, E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2009. Effects of interactions of antibacterial drugs with each other and with 6-mercaptopurine on in vitro growth of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 64(5):1018-1023.
  31. Naser, S.A., M.T. Collins, J.T. Crawford, and J.F. Valentine. 2009. Culture of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) from the blood of patients with Crohn’s disease: a follow-up blind multicenter investigation. The Open Inflammation Journal 2:22-23.
  32. Pradenas, M., M.C. Jara, N.C. Hernández, A. Zambrano, and M.T. Collins. 2009. Antibody recognition to secreted proteins of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in sera from infected ruminants. Vet. Microbiol. 138:378-383.
  33. Krishnan, Y.K.*, E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2009. Comparison of three methods for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis to 11 antimicrobial drugs. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 64(2):310-316.
  34. Lee, J.S., S.J. Shin, M.T. Collins, I.D. Jung, Y.-I. Jeong, C.-M. Lee, Y.K. Shin, D. Kim, Y.-M. Park. 2009. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis fibronectin attachment protein activates dendritic cells and induces a Th1 polarization. Infect. & Immun. 77(7): p. 2979-2988.
  35. Shin,S.J.*, K. Anklam, E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2009. A rapid mycobacterial liquid culture screening method for Mycobacterium avium complex based on secreted antigen-capture ELISA. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 16:613-620.
  36. Krishnan, Y.M.*, E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2009. Stability of antibacterial agents in MGIT™ ParaTB medium. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents 23(2):186-187.
  37. Shin, S.J.* and M.T. Collins. 2008. Thiopurine drugs azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine inhibit Mycobacterium paratuberculosis growth in vitro. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 52:418-426.
  38. Shin,S.J.*, D. Cho, and M.T. Collins. 2008. Diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis by a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on early secreted antigens of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 15(8):1277-1281.
  39. Messam, L.L.McV., A.J. Branscum, M.T. Collins, and I.A. Gardner. 2008. Frequentist and Bayesian approaches to prevalence estimation using examples from Johne’s disease. An. Health Res. Rev. 9(1):1-23.
  40. Osterstock, J.B.; G.T. Fosgate, N.D. Cohen, J.N. Derr, E.J.B. Manning, M.T. Collins, and A.J. Roussel. 2008. Familial associations with paratuberculosis ELISA results in Texas Longhorn cattle. Vet. Micro. 129(1-2), 131-138.
  41. Fry, M.P., J. Kruze, and M.T. Collins. 2008. Evaluation of four commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis in Chilean dairy herds. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 20: 329-332.
  42. Shin, S.J.*, J.H. Han, E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2007. Rapid and reliable method for quantification of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis using the BACTEC MGIT 960 system. J. Clin. Microbiol. 45:1941-1948.
  43. Cho D.*, S.J. Shin, A.M. Talaat, and M.T. Collins. 2007. Cloning, expression, purification and serodiagnostic evaluation of fourteen Mycobacterium paratuberculosis proteins. Protein Expr. Purif. 53:411-420.
  44. Gonda, M.G., Y.M. Chang, G.E. Shook, M.T. Collins, and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2007. Effect of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection on production, reproduction, and health traits in U.S. Holsteins. Prev. Vet. Med. 80:103-119.
  45. Roussel, A.J., G.T. Fosgate, E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2007. Association of fecal shedding of mycobacteria with high ELISA-determined seroprevalence for paratuberculosis in beef herds. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 230:890-895.
  46. Osterstock, J.B., G.T. Fosgate, B. Norby, E.J.B. Manning, M.T. Collins, A.J. Roussel. 2007. Contribution of environmental mycobacteria to false-positive reactions to serum ELISAs for paratuberculosis. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 230:896-901.
  47. Bernstein, C.N. M. H. Wang, M. Sargent, S.R. Brant, and M.T. Collins. 2007. Testing the interaction between NOD 2 status and serological response to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in IBD. J. Clin. Microbiol. 45:968-971.
  48. Salgado, M., J. Kruze, and M.T. Collins. 2007. Diagnosis of paratuberculosis by fecal culture and ELISA on milk and serum samples in two types of Chilean dairy goat herds. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 19:99-102.
  49. Collins, M.T. 2006. Proper estimation of sensitivity and specificity (letter to editor). Clin. Vaccine.Immunol. 13:1373 1374.
  50. Collins, M.T., I.A. Gardner, F.B. Garry, A.J. Roussel, and S.J. Wells. 2006. Consensus recommendations on diagnostic testing for the detection of paratuberculosis in cattle in the United States. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 229:1912-1919.
  51. Choi,Y-K., W.O. Johnson, M.T. Collins, and I.A. Gardner. 2006. Baysian inferences for receiver operating characteristic curves in the absence of a gold standard. J. Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 11(2):1-20.
  52. Cho D.*, Sung N, Collins M.T. 2006. Identification of proteins of potential diagnostic value for bovine paratuberculosis. Proteomics 6:5785-5794.
  53. Cho D.*, Collins M.T. 2006. Comparison of the proteosomes and antigenicities of secreted and cellular proteins produced by Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 13: 1155-1161.
  54. Kruze, J., M. Salgado, E. Paredes, A. Mella, and M.T. Collins. 2006. Goat paratuberculosis in Chile: first isolation and confirmation of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in a diary goat herd. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 18:476-479.
  55. Wells, S.J., M.T. Collins, K.S. Faaberg, C.Wees, S. Tavornpanich, K.R. Petrini, J.E. Collins, N. Cernicchiaro, and R. H. Whitlock. 2006. Evaluation of a rapid fecal PCR test for detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in dairy cattle. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 13:1125-1131.
  56. Dorshorst N.C.*, M.T. Collins, and J.E. Lombard. 2006. Decision analysis model for paratuberculosis control in commercial dairy herds. Prev. Vet. Med. 75:92 122.
  57. Gonda, M.G., Y.M. Chang, G.E. Shook, M.T. Collins, and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2006. Genetic variation of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection in US Holsteins. J. Dairy Sci. 89:1804 1812.
  58. Wu, C. w., J. Glasner, M.T. Collins, S. Naser, and A. M. Talaat. 2006. Whole genome plasticity among Mycobacterium avium subspecies: Insights from comparative genomic hybridizations. Bacteriol. 188:711 723.
  59. Salgado, M.*, E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2005. Performance of a Johne’s disease enzyme linked immunosorbent assay adapted for milk samples from goats. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 17:350 354.
  60. Collins, M.T., S.J. Wells, K.R. Petrini, J.E. Collins, R.D. Schultz, and R.H. Whitlock. 2005.
    Evaluation of five antibody detection tests for diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis. Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. 12: 685 692.
  61. Kalis, C.H.J., M.T. Collins, H.W. Barkema, and J.W. Hesselink. 2004. Certification of herds as free of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection: actual pooled faecal results versus certification model predictions. Prev. Vet. Med. 65:189-204.
  62. McGuirk, S.M. and M.T. Collins. 2004. Managing the production, storage, and delivery of colostrum. Vet. Clin. Food Anim. 20:593-603.
  63. Sung, N.*, K. Takayama, and M.T. Collins. 2004. Possible association of GroES and antigen 85 proteins with heat resistance of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
    70:1688 1697.
  64. Bernstein, C.N., J.E. Blanchard, P. Rawsthorne, and M.T. Collins. 2004. Population-based case control study of seroprevalence of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 42:1129-1135.
  65. Greenstein, R.J. and M.T. Collins. 2004. Emerging pathogens: is Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis zoonotic? [comment] Lancet. 364(9432):396 7.
  66. Carpenter, T.E., I.A. Gardner, M.T. Collins, and R.H. Whitlock. 2004. Effects of prevalence and testing by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and fecal culture on the risk of introduction of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infected cows into dairy herds. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 16:31 38.
  67. Collins, M.T. 2004. Update on paratuberculosis: 3. Control and zoonotic potential. Irish Veterinary Journal 57(1): 49 52.
  68. Collins, M.T. 2003. Update on paratuberculosis: 2. Pathology and diagnosis. Irish Veterinary Journal 56(12): 619 623.
  69. Collins, M.T. 2003. Update on paratuberculosis: 1. Epidemiology of Johne’s disease and the biology of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. Irish Veterinary Journal 56(11):565 574.
  70. Collins, M.T. 2003. Paratuberculosis: Review of present knowledge. Acta Vet. Scand. 44:217 22.
  71. Sung, N.*, and M.T. Collins. 2003. Variation in resistance of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis to acid environments as a function of culture medium. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 69:6833 3840.
  72. Kalis, C.H., M.T. Collins, J.W. Hesselink, and H.W. Barkema. 2003. Specificity of two tests for the early diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis based on cell-mediated immunity: the Johnin skin test and gamma interferon assay. Vet. Microbiol. 97:73-86.
  73. E.J.B. Manning, H. Steinberg, V. Krebs, M.T. Collins. 2003. Diagnostic testing patterns of natural Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection in pygmy goats (Capra hircus). Can. J. Vet. Res. 67:213 218.
  74. Manning, E.J.B., M. Augenstein, M.T. Collins, and K.M. Nelson. 2003. Case report – Johne’s disease: the recipient risk. The Bovine Practitioner 37: 20 22.
  75. Kramsky, J.A., E.J.B. Manning, and M.T. Collins. 2003. Protein G binding to enriched serum immunoglobulin from nondomestic hoofstock species. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 15:253 261.
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