This is the title of an August 15 blog posting by the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) in Canada. The author uses Johne’s disease as an example about the broader issues of farm biosecurity.
Here is an excerpt:
A well-run herd can introduce and spread Johne’s disease just by buying the wrong animal. Johne’s cannot be prevented by vaccination or effectively treated by antibiotics, and accurately identifying and culling infected animals is very difficult before they get visibly ill. Johne’s disease also can’t be prevented by high herd health, nutritional, grazing, or genetic management. Many beef producers may think they have closed herds, but realistically speaking hardly anyone does. Appropriate biosecurity is the best thing producers can do to help keep Johne’s from entering their herds.
The article goes on to describe the prevalence of Johne’s disease in Canadian beef cattle herds and much more. So, check it out!